CBI is a chemical biology cluster linking the academic chemistry research with the biology community. This initiative has been coined with the name of Chemistry to Foster Biology Innovation (CBI) and is supported by the organic & medicinal chemistry research groups of the KU Leuven, UAntwerpen, UGent, UHasselt and VUB. The interest of CBI is not limited to classical drug discovery approaches, but CBI will position itself much broader as it will focus on compounds, tools and synthetic methodology to support all aspects of life science research. The cluster distinguishes itself as a frontier for new high risk and innovative projects.
CBI is the partner of choice on the interface of chemistry and biology, by providing collaborative breakthrough chemistry research expertise. CBI act as a single point of contact and want to be a self-supporting Center of Expertise for (bio)organic chemistry to accelerate research projects. CBI Provides access to in-depth expertise to open untapped research areas, by bringing chemical expertise closer to the biological community and developing chemical tools to drive biological innovation.