
The following open positions are available with our consortium partners:

Good luck to all candidates!

PhD  Position University of Antwerp Medicinal Chemistry (UAMC)

(published 22 February 2015)


Applications are invited for 11 PhD student positions (“Early Stage Researchers”) to be funded by the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network “INTEGRATE – Interdisciplinary Training Network for Validation of Gram-Negative Antibacterial Targets” within the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission. INTEGRATE is a consortium of high profile universities, research institutions and companies located in Italy, Finland, Latvia, United Kingdom, Slovenia, Germany, Belgium and Portugal.

For more information click here

Postdoc Position University of Antwerp Medicinal Chemistry (UAMC)

(published 7 February 2015-closed)

we are urgently looking for a candidate  postdoc medicinal chemistry in our group from March 15 till December 31, 2015. Some more details on the project can be found at: .Please forward your CV to  Dr. Jurgen Joossens (

PhD positions in Algal Research and Biotechnology

(published 7 February 2015)

“Inter-kingdom cross talk via quorum sensing compounds in bacteria-diatom bio-films”

This project is based at Ghent University, under the main supervision of Prof. Wim Vyverman, with co-supervision by Prof. Sven Mangelinckx and Prof. Anne Willems.

For more details on the PhD projects being advertised, please go to:

Closing date for applications: Sunday, March 1st 2015.

PhD Position in Chemical Biology @ VIB

(published:13 January 2015)

Interesting position in chemical biology at VIB. This project will be in close collaboration with Prof. Stevens at the Department of Sustainable Organic Chemistry and Technology at the University of Ghent.

more information (click here)


Amkem has an open position for a Scientist/Postdoc in Organic Chemistry

(published  @ CBI on 28/12/2014)

Interested in a dynamic environment where you can make a real difference? Amakem Therapeutics, a young biopharmaceutical company based in Diepenbeek, designs and develops new chemical entities (R&D). We are a small team of highly motivated and experienced people looking to extend our team.

More information (click here)



 een betrekking van voltijds assistent bij de vakgroep Organische en Macromoleculaire Chemie UGent (closed)